Rukcho Biotech offers a wide range of products and services to support farmers in adopting sustainable and organic farming practices and to provide consumers with high-quality, organic products. We offer a range of organic inputs, including bio fertilizer consortia, bio fungicide consortia, bioinsecticide consortia & all-in-one consortia, designed to help farmers optimize crop yields while minimizing environmental impact. Our products are made from natural and organic ingredients and are certified to meet the strictest organic standards.
We RUKCHO BIOTECH, as responsible citizens, innovated the biological inputs viz Bio-Fertilizer Consortia, Bio-Fungicide Consortia, Bio-Pesticide Consortia and All-In-One Consortia ,so that, it could become an alternative to chemical inputs for the nutrition, pests & diseases management.
They are Naturally available Microbes which are useful in giving major nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potash & major micro nutrients viz zinc, silica etc.
They are naturally available Microbes which are useful in resistance or control of major pests attacking crops viz sucking pest, leaf eating caterpillars, diseases viz wilt, rots, moulds, & also Nematode. They are very safe to humans and animals as compared to chemicals which are never safe.
Nematodes are pests that are not visible to eyes. Bio nematicide are naturally available Microbes which controls these nematodes viz root knot nematode, cyst nematode etc..They are very safe & organic control compared to chemical nematicides
Almost all crops can benefit from bio-fungicides viz agricultural crops, horticultural crops, tree crops etc..
There should not be any chemicals usage, minimum 4 – 7 days before and after using bio products.
They are Very safe to humans and animals as it is naturally available Microbes. Regarding effectiveness, it is more effective when used in earlier stages of the crop and actually we are increasing the Microbial load in the soil
As such there are not Much Regulatory approvals as of now even though there are few viz Organic certification by APEDA & NPOP, also norms by FCO (fertilizer control order) . We are Obliged to all the regulatory norms.
Bio products viz our products like Fertility, Fidelity, Infinity & Almighty can be 200 % used for Organic farming
Our products are 200 % environmentally friendly, as we use only naturally available Microbes
They are Very safe to humans and animals as it is naturally available Microbes. Regarding effectiveness, it is more effective when used in earlier stages of the crop and actually we are increasing the Microbial load in the soil
They are naturally available Microbes which are useful in resistance or control of major pests attacking crops viz sucking pest, leaf eating caterpillars, diseases viz wilt, rots, moulds, & also Nematode. They are very safe to humans and animals as compared to chemicals which are never safe.
There should not be any chemicals usage, minimum 4 – 7 days before and after using bio products
Regarding effectiveness, it is more effective when used in earlier stages of the crop and actually we are increasing the Microbial load in the soil.
It is compatible with almost all types of soil & all crops viz agriculture crops, horticultural crops & tree crops.
AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE. As we are only increasing the microbial load in the soil, we can use at any stages of the crops. The more we use, the more the effectiveness. After continuous usage , at a point of time , say after 3 years, there may not be much requirement
It doesn’t have any negative impacts on the environment. It is naturally available Microbes & 200 % Organic
YES our product is 200% GMO Free. We are not using any GMO (genetically modified Organisms). Our products viz Fertility, Fidelity, Infinity & Almighty are all Organic & 200 % naturally available Microbes.
YES. It can be used in hydrophonics & aquaponics. Moreover our products Viz Fertility, Fidelity, Infinity & Almighty give more result in this conditions.
We have our Online shop in our Website you can purchase on our website only.ALWAYS you can purchase our bio products viz Fertility, Fidelity, Infinity & Almighty. You are WELCOME.
NO. You can purchase even a single Unit of our products, which is currently 250 Grams
YES we offer very good discounts for bulk purchases. Regarding Promotions, you can refer to our website for offers, now & then
YES. You can purchase directly from our website. For your convenience, we had provided even QR code in our website for UPI Payment.
Mostly it will take 1-3 days for delivery of our products, as we use only FASTEST & SAFE Couriers/ Transport mode. This mostly depends on the distance of your location from Madurai, Tamilnadu. Sometime it is over-night delivery only.
We accept ALL methods of payments viz DD, Cheque, Fund Transfer, UPI Payments too. For your convenience we had provided even QR code in our website for UPI Payment. But, We never entertain CASH payments.
YES. We offer International Shipping too, But we require EXIM Certificate for this purpose
As such this condition will not arise, as we follow STRICT QUALITY, High standards of packing & use safest & fastest courier. For un-favourable condition, which is unavoidable , YES we accept return
YES. You can track your orders as we entertain professionally good couriers
Our recommended application rate is 250 gram per Acre. But more you use more vthe effectiveness
All methods of application can be used viz hand broadcasting, foliar spray & Drip Irrigation. But the dosage differs for every method of application. Refer to our website for the same.
It can be applied to all parts of the plant as our products are 200 % organic & SAFE.
As such NO. But keep in mind in cold climate Bio-fungicide (Fidelity) & in hot climate bio-Insecticide ( Infinity ) should be used More
As such NO. But keep in cold climate Bio-fungicide (Fidelity) & in hot climate bio-Insecticide ( Infinity ) should be used More . Our products can be used in time of the day & in all seasons
Yes . Our bio products (Fertility, Fidelity, Infinity & Almighty) can be used during any stage of the plant’s growth cycle. But more earlier you use, more the effectiveness.
Our bio products start to grow or proliferate in the soil immediately after you apply and start working with the plants immediately
It can be mixed with water & other substances viz organic manures, vermicompost & other bio fertiliser & bio pesticides
The more you use, more the effectiveness, thereby good quantity & quality of yield of the crop
Almost all crops can benefit from bio-fungicides viz agricultural crops, horticultural crops, tree crops etc.
YES can be applied to all types of soil
YES. It is effective on wide range of crops & yes each microbe is specific to control of specific type of pests
NO. Our bio pesticides viz Infinity, fidelity & consortia Almighty can be treated to almost all the crops
NO. Our bio nematicide (Infinity & consortia Almighty) can be used in types of crops
Our bio fungicide fidelity is having various microbes & each microbe is effective against specific type of fungi. For further learning, go through our website & further literatures regarding those microbes
Our bio products can be used both in indoor & green house crops. But our bio products are more effective in green house crops as they are in controlled & closed environment
NO. Our Bio products are recommended for use in all crops.
In terms of compatibility, our bio products Fertility, Fidelity, Infinity & Almighty can be used in all crops. But traditional chemical products very much sensitive & crop specific
Bio products viz our products like Fertility, Fidelity, Infinity & Almighty can be 200 % used for Organic farming.
RUKCHO BIOTECH, New 88-1, Old-110, North Avani Moola Street, Near Mottagopuram, Madurai, TN-625001
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